MFMC Officer Nominations

Michigan Federation of Music Clubs 2019-2021 Proposed Officer Nominations MFMC President Beatrice Wassenberg, NE District MFMC First Vice President Arlene Anger, SE District MFMC Second Vice President Jackie Livesay, SW District MFMC Third Vice President Alisha Snyder, NW District MFMC Recording Secretary James Zalewski, SW District MFMC Treasurer Karla Shotts, SW District

Tuesday Musicale of Detroit President Honored

The Michigan Senate State of Michigan The Awesome Dina Soresi Winter President The Tuesday Musicale of Detroit A Woman of Phenomenal Courage and Musical Artistry and Excellence Whereas Mrs. Dina Soresi Winter: has led a life filled with music, art, theatre, education and a love of Dante.  At the age of fourteen, she discovered opera …

New MFMC Website Launch

Welcome to the new MFMC website! Your input is important to us. Please feel free to contact us with suggestions. We are here to serve  your club and studio.